Many people who think of Irish trivia and traditions think of leprechauns and
Few know much more about this marvelous island or its population of roughly 5 million people.
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But there is so much more to know! Ireland has one of the world's most interesting histories, and some of the most fun and fascinating customs. Knowing some fun Irish trivia and traditions gives you so many options for expressing your personal Irish side!
Let us offer you a small sample of what makes Ireland such an interesting place. Then we'll offer you 10 specific "Irish" customs to bring into your own life!
For example, did you know ...?
Whew! Believe it or not we said that all in one breath! :-).
Now let's have a look at some Irish traditions, which you can use to express your own personal Irish side!
Irish weddings are a wonderful blend of older and newer Irish trivia and traditions.
A terrific opportunity to express your Irish side, wherever you are in the world!
We have witnessed many wedding experiences with Irish themes - and they are an experience to be treasured.
Visit our main section on Irish Weddings.
Irish dancing, with its captivating beat and social energy, is sure to enchant you.
Dancing in Ireland has a long, rich history. Traditionally it was a way in which Irish friends and neighbors would meet at the crossroads of their village to spend a day and evening socializing.
Click here for more information on Irish dance.
Many celebrations in Ireland are related to religion or to the cycle of the seasons.
Birthdays in Ireland are a little different. We have only found a few birthday traditions uniquely associated with Ireland. But they are fun ones!
Want to know more? Click here for information on Irish birthday traditions.
Saint Patricks Day traditions are some of the most famous (and the most fun!) opportunities to express our Irish sides.
St Patricks Day is one of the main public holidays observed in Ireland, and while it doesn't quite reach that status in other parts of the world, many of us act as if it does!
Have a look at our main page on St Patricks Day traditions.
Celebrating Irish holidays gives us the perfect opportunity to express our Irish sides numerous times each year!
We try to bring at least one Irish expression into each of our holiday celebrations. And from time to time, we will plan an entire holiday party around the theme of Irish trivia and traditions.
What to know more? Click here for our main page on Irish holidays!
Of all the ways to express your Irish side, traditional Irish clothing may be the most personal and flexible.
Whether you choose clothing from Ireland in your wedding theme, or wear a humorous Irish t-shirt on St. Patrick's Day, the options for expressing your Irish side through clothing are endless.
Click here for more ideas on Irish clothing!
We love dreaming up entertaining ways to express our Irish sides, especially with groups of friends in social settings.
Here we offer several games of the free / homemade variety, on many kinds of Irish trivia. You can download them, print them, copy them to your heart’s content.
Having a St Patricks day party? Entertain your guests with a Limerick Poems Game.
Or how about an Irish-themed birthday party? Have your guests play an Irish Slang Words Match Game.
Visit us here for many more ideas on Irish Party games.
If you are a new parent looking for the best Irish baby names (boy or girl) we have good news!
Names originating in Ireland are popular worldwide. Sineads and Ronans are as likely to be found on the streets of Boston as they are on the streets of Dublin.
So what's in a name? It's the ultimate expression of your baby's heritage, a wonderful opportunity to express your cherished Irish culture every day.
Let's start with some of our favorite Irish baby names, then offer some ideas on how to use them to express your (baby's) Irish side.
Check out our main section on Irish baby names here!
When we watch or participate in traditional Irish sports, we experience the passion for hard work, social connection, and national pride that is so much a part of the culture.
You can feel it - in the pubs, in the stands, and in Irish homes around the world.
Want to know more about traditional Irish sports? Visit that section here!
Now Showing: The Irish in Cinema!!
In these Irish themed movies, you will observe a common thread – the Ould Sod (Old Country) itself is a major character in the story.
Let's have a look at some interesting facts and examples of terrific Irish themed movies. Visit that section here!
I hope you enjoyed our discussion of Irish trivia and traditions. But now buckle up ... you KNOW there are many more fun Irish customs to enjoy.
By clicking one of the links below, you can check out all of the customs and activities that I have tried (and some that I have yet to try :-).
It is probably obvious - at Irish Expressions, we love Irish traditions! Expressing ourselves through Irish-themed activities gives us a deeper sense of connection with Ireland, wherever in the world we happen to be!
Over the years, we have created many downloadable, share-able Irish games, puzzles, recipes, songbooks, quizzes, and much, much more.
Want them right now? Keep reading to learn about "Your Irish Expressions Playbook."
Congratulations on learning more about the Emerald Isle and discovering what we like to call your "Irish Side." You may be thinking "I'd love to actually VISIT Ireland but that's really not in the cards right now. What am I supposed to do with the stuff I just learned?"
Well never fear! Since 2009 we have collected all of the best printable, shareable resources we could find, to help you put your new knowledge of Ireland to good use. We've put them all together in a single download we call "Your Irish Expressions Playbook," which contains over 100 pages of games, puzzles, recipes, songbooks, quizzes, travel guides and much, much more.
Purchase them ALL for one small price, print as many copies as you like and share them with your friends - with no limitations! But order soon - we are already adding to the Playbook for future editions and this price will not last long.
Oh, want one more reason to order right away? If you buy YOUR copy of the Playbook now, you will be allowed to upgrade to any new future edition for FREE.
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