The great thing about Irish birthday traditions is – you can
use them to express your Irish side on a fun and memorable occasion! And you can repeat them over and over again (every year in fact) until you get really good at them!
Because we Irish have such a reputation for being able to throw a good party, it may come as something of a surprise to learn that there are only a few unique traditions associated with birthdays in Ireland.
Most traditional celebrations in Ireland are related to religion or to the cycle of the seasons. Birthday in Ireland is a little different. Want to know more? Read on!
Many of us are familiar with the tradition of ‘spanking’ a child one time for each year, and finishing up this torturous ritual with a ‘pinch to grow an inch.’
I have to confess – I never really liked that one when I was growing up. Of course it’s much more fun now that I’m the one doing the spanking…
Anyway, the Irish version of this tradition is a bit
different – and much more challenging!
According to legend, it is common for a birthday lad or lass to be held upside down and ‘bumped’ on the floor – once for each successful year of life to date, and an extra bump for good luck in the coming year.
Ouch. Actually that explains a lot about some of my Irish family … anyway, moving on :-)…
Imagine sneaking into your mother's kitchen on your birthday, to grab a cookie or a scoop of frosting - only to have her spin around and swipe a smear of butter on your nose. Aaaaauuugghh!
Or being called into another room and arriving to find a group of your closest friends with spatulas poised to flick patties of butter at your face. What the...?
Yes people, we are talking about 'nose buttering' ... a mysterious Irish birthday tradition with many different stories.
It might not even 'really' be Irish (although it appears to have originated in that general area of the world...)
Well, compared to what you have been reading, this one is going to sound pretty tame. Our next Irish birthday tradition for 21 year olds is to give them the key to the house, signifying an independent adult.
I suspect 21 year olds care more about legal drinking age than
letting themselves into their own houses... but maybe that’s just me.
In any case, we have been witness to very lavish 21s birthday parties in Ireland (where you don't actually have to be 21 to enjoy a drink in a pub by the way), and we know it’s just as big a deal there as it is anywhere in the world.
If a key to the house captures that excitement to your birthday boy or girl ... go for it! At the very least it’s a touching gesture for a young adult on their favorite day.
Birthdays are always a good time for humor... In between bumping, buttering and ... letting yourself into the house. And a good limerick is just the thing to deliver the laughs!
We recommend you choose carefully since 'age' can be a sensitive topic, and some birthday limericks can be a little ... well...
In any case, they are one of our favorite Irish birthday traditions.
Check out our page on birthday limericks to see what we mean!
As in many cultures, Irish blessings have historical roots.
They can be seen as a way to boost the spirits, ward off bad luck, offer a gift ... or just to get a laugh on somebody's birthday!
Whatever your reason, you'll find a a great
list of Irish birthday blessings and other birthday sayings here at Irish Expressions.
It is probably obvious - at Irish Expressions, we love Irish traditions! Expressing ourselves through Irish-themed activities gives us a deeper sense of connection with Ireland, wherever in the world we happen to be!
Over the years, we have created many downloadable, share-able Irish games, puzzles, recipes, songbooks, quizzes, and much, much more.
Want them right now? Keep reading to learn about "Your Irish Expressions Playbook."
At Irish Expressions, our our goal is simple: to provide you with a unique Irish experience, on demand, wherever you are in the world.
If you have enjoyed our section on fun Irish trivia and customs, you have probably been exposed to many of the most exciting traditions that Ireland has to offer!
Will that entice you to visit Ireland - or to return if you have already been?
We hope so!
But even if that is not possible, you can still enjoy the magic of Ireland in these pages. Check out the links at the top of the page for simple instructions on how to explore Irish landmarks, sing Irish songs, enjoy Irish food, and much more!
Congratulations on learning more about the Emerald Isle and discovering what we like to call your "Irish Side." You may be thinking "I'd love to actually VISIT Ireland but that's really not in the cards right now. What am I supposed to do with the stuff I just learned?"
Well never fear! Since 2009 we have collected all of the best printable, shareable resources we could find, to help you put your new knowledge of Ireland to good use. We've put them all together in a single download we call "Your Irish Expressions Playbook," which contains over 100 pages of games, puzzles, recipes, songbooks, quizzes, travel guides and much, much more.
Purchase them ALL for one small price, print as many copies as you like and share them with your friends - with no limitations! But order soon - we are already adding to the Playbook for future editions and this price will not last long.
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