The person who made up the first funny birthday limericks may be a mystery, but the result is undeniable: hilarious, sometimes bawdy poetry that gets everybody laughing with the victim - er - lucky lad or lass having a birthday.
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Limericks are great for Irish birthday parties, because they are short, simple and easy to remember - or even to make up on the spot!
You can have limerick-writing contests or games, or you can use limericks to create custom invitations or party favors. More on that later!
We have two VERY strict criteria for adding anything to our funny birthday limericks page.
First criterion: it must actually BE a Limerick :-). Please folks. With all due respect to my fellow Irish poetry lovers, a lot of the 'limericks' you will find out there are, well ... not.
You'll find a quick brush-up on the proper structure of these little poems here. But make sure to come back! We have some funny birthday limericks to share.
Which brings us to our second criterion: a funny birthday limerick must actually BE funny :-)! If you have seen as many of these as I have, you know 'funny' is not automatic when it comes to limericks.
So ... did we find the funny ones? You be the judge!
Here are some examples that we believe fit our two criteria. If you have feedback on these, or a limerick of your own to share, please drop us a note using our contact form.
Oh, that makes me feel better...
"I am sorry to hear, smiling Jill (or Bill, or Phil, you get the idea)
That your birthday's no longer a thrill
All your friends think you're great
So you should celebrate!
You're not old, you're just over the hill."
Love the clever rhyming of "Donna" with "Wanna." A mark of a next-level limerick.
“There once was a lady named Donna
Who said to her friends, “I’m not gonna
Eat your candy and cake,
I refuse to partake.
Blow those candles yourself — I don’t wanna!”
Be proud Mom, you've taught me well!
“Mom, I'm sure it will give you a lift
that I've shown such admirable thrift
in choosing a way
to remember your day
with this heart-warming message (no gift!)"
I think whoever wrote this one was already a few whiskey's into the party.
But hey kudos - a well-designed limerick.
Don't you hate it when all your joints ache?
All those candles are crushing your cake?
It just leads to depression
So change your expression
And then party on for Pete's sake!
Well at least we're being honest...
“On this day, we party each year!
We come over to drink all your beer!
Then we sing out of tune
Eat some cake and commune
When the drink's gone, we all disappear!”
A backhanded compliment if I ever hear one! :-)
“You've conquered the aging disease
that brings lesser men to their knees.
You're a vigorous man
and you've proved you still can
blow out candles with only one wheeze.”
So ... raise your hand if you really believe it's the thought that counts?
“This year I have something to boast:
I remembered your birthday (almost).
This card may be late
but it's close to the date.
Let's pretend it got lost in the post.”
Make sure to read the room before you try this one ...
In the many long years since your birth
You've made multiple laps round the earth
In that time you have taken
Your fair share of bacon
And thus greatly increased your girth!
Credit: Andrew Loud
It's a stretch, but again I have to give credit to a well-structured limerick.
No matter what friends are asserting
29 (pick an age) goes on by without hurting
Your chances for wealth
For joy and good health
Are still yours with a little exerting!
Just clever enough to make the list ... 'man, it' rhymes with 'planet' - very nice!
There's a guy who I proudly call Dad,
And a mighty fine birthday he had.
To make such a great man, it
Takes years on this planet.
But I wont say his age, he'll get mad.
Credit: Mepsnbarry
Obviously a very specific little poem - only works with two-syllable ages, but I like it.
There once was a gal in a crowd
Who shouted out, "Sixty and proud!
"No point being coy,
"I took 'em with joy
"And I'll take sixty more, if allowed!"
Credit: 60thbirthdaygifts via blogspot
Two examples with different subject but similar structures... They demonstrate the versatility of limericks as an expression of Irish humor.
Happy birthday, dear hubby — you’re old,
Although younger than I, truth be told.
No need for debate —
There's NO better mate.
So how do I know this? I polled.
(I'll be honest, I don't know what that means :-) but a well designed limerick).
Happy birthday, dear brother, you’re old,
Though you’re younger than I, truth be told.
You’re a relative pup.
You refuse to catch up.
But as sibling, you’re better than gold.
Credit: MadKane humor
It is probably obvious - at Irish Expressions, we love Irish wit and wisdom! Knowing the perfect Irish 'thing to say' on any occasion gives us a deeper sense of connection with Ireland, wherever in the world we happen to be!
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