In this section we review some of the
best limericks for kids. We hope that
you enjoy them and share them, as a way to help the children in your life
express their Irish side at an early age!
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Read on for funny limericks about school, animals, and more. And if you would like much more information about limericks in general, pay a visit to our main limerick poems page here! Meanwhile, please enjoy limericks for kids!
Sometimes the younger lads and
lasses don’t appreciate school and the discipline that comes with it. The solution?
Make it fun with limericks for kids! Here are a few examples:
Is Algebra a fruitless endeavor?
It seems they’ve been trying for ever
To find x, y, and z
And it’s quite clear to me:
If they’ve not found them yet then they'll never.
How to spell the potato has tried
Many minds, sometimes mine, I’ll confide.
Though it may have an eye,
There’s no E – don’t ask why!
Not until it’s been baked, boiled or fried.
A teacher whose spelling's unique,
Thus wrote down the days of the wique :
The first he spelt "Sonday,"
The second day "Munday"
And now a new teacher they sique.
Animals are common subjects in
limericks for children. Such limericks will encourage the imagination of young
ones to go wild (so to speak). Here are some great examples of clean Irish
limericks about animals:
There once was a jumping monkey
And jumping always was he
He fell off a cliff
Because he was stiff
Now jumping he will never be
An elephant slept in his bunk,
And in slumber his chest rose and sunk.
But he snored -- how he snored!
All the other beasts roared-
So his wife tied a knot in his trunk.
There once was a white tailed deer
Who thought spring was the best time of year
Until he got wet
'Cause a puddle he met
Spring was no longer something to cheer
The proverbial Old Man is the star
of many clean limericks for kids. Naturally, the outcome of his
adventures is always humorous and unexpected
There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said, "It is just as I feared! --
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard.”
There was an old man of Dumbree,
Who taught little owls to drink tea;
For he said, 'To eat mice,
Is not proper or nice'
So my friends you must let them go free.
There was an old man of Peru
Who dreamt he was eating his shoe.
He woke in the night,
With a terrible fright,
And found it was perfectly true.
Clean Irish limericks are suitable for any occasion, even when children are present. You can certainly make everybody laugh and ensure that the people you love are having a great time. At the same time, you will be avoiding sensitive topics that some individuals may find uncomfortable:
Speedy Sam, while exploring a cave
Had what I call a very close shave.
He stepped on a bear
That had dozed off in there.
I'm glad he was faster than brave.
There once was a shamrock named Pat,
Who tripped on a root and went splat,
She ripped her best leaf,
And sobbed in her grief,
And ruined her favorite hat.
It is probably obvious - at Irish Expressions, we love Irish wit and wisdom! Knowing the perfect Irish 'thing to say' on any occasion gives us a deeper sense of connection with Ireland, wherever in the world we happen to be!
To help you build your own personal Irish vocabulary, we have over the years created many downloadable, share-able Irish games, puzzles, recipes, songbooks, quizzes, and much, much more.
Want them right now? Keep reading to learn about "Your Irish Expressions Playbook."
Amusing limericks are an essential part of Irish culture and heritage. Share them during special occasions, to celebrate Irish culture and express your personal Irish side!
For more information of this type, you may want to pay a visit to our main section on Irish Sayings here!
Congratulations on learning more about the Emerald Isle and discovering what we like to call your "Irish Side." You may be thinking "I'd love to actually VISIT Ireland but that's really not in the cards right now. What am I supposed to do with the stuff I just learned?"
Well never fear! Since 2009 we have collected all of the best printable, shareable resources we could find, to help you put your new knowledge of Ireland to good use. We've put them all together in a single download we call "Your Irish Expressions Playbook," which contains over 100 pages of games, puzzles, recipes, songbooks, quizzes, travel guides and much, much more.
Purchase them ALL for one small price, print as many copies as you like and share them with your friends - with no limitations! But order soon - we are already adding to the Playbook for future editions and this price will not last long.
Oh, want one more reason to order right away? If you buy YOUR copy of the Playbook now, you will be allowed to upgrade to any new future edition for FREE.
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