Irish Pet Names: Help Your Faithful Companion Express Their Own Irish Side!

Looking to show your Irish side with your beloved family pet? Irish pet names are a creative and endearing way to do just that!  And truth be told, there really isn’t much difference between a good Irish name for a human and the one you might choose for a beloved pet companion…

Irish setter.  Dana.  Courtesy of Victor Sounds.

So Why Read Our Short List of Pet Names from Ireland?

Because they have been voted on and represent the best of the best (each one receiving AT LEAST the coveted four-star rating according to, you guessed it...)

So let's dig into some of our favorite Irish pet names!

Favorite Irish Pet Names for Males

As with human names, we are often attracted to pet names for their historical or mythical meanings.

  • Coyle: a personal favorite, the meaning of this classic Irish name is ‘leader in battle.’ We once had a pet goose (gander) we named Coyle. Mean. But a great watchdog … er… watchgoose.
  • Douglas: according to, the meaning is ‘dark stranger’ (we didn’t know that!) We have never had a pet named Douglas, but it got a whopping 4.3 out of 5 on the petnames scale.
  • Keannen: a good omen for any young pet, the name Keannen means ‘ancient one.’ Live long and prosper.
  • Kelsea: we had to do a little research on this one. There are so many variations of it, with so many potential meanings, we finally just decided – who cares, it’s a cool name. According to it is a male name but we have seen it applied to both genders.
  • Kevra: if you want your male pet’s name to mean ‘beautiful,’ or ‘handsome,’ this is the one. 4.2 out of 5. And while it is supposedly a male name, we think it would work very well for a female pet as well.

Favorite Irish Pet Names for Females...

  • Caitlinn: a variation of Catherine or Katherine, the basic meaning of the name is ‘pure’ (we personally haven’t met many pets – or humans for that matter – who meet THAT standard, but we love the name)
  • Keiki: this beautiful Irish name means ‘child,’ – a great name for pets (and their humans) of all ages!
  • Kira: another lovely Irish name for a female pet, this one means ‘sun,’ or ‘sunshine.’
  • Maggie: sorry. Even though had this listed as a male name, we’re going to go out on a limb and say … female. Derivation of Margaret. One of several possible meanings: the pearl.
  • Vevina: sweet lady. Derivations include Vivian, Viv and Vivianna.

Interesting! What's Next?

At Irish Expressions, our our goal is simple: to provide you with a unique Irish experience, on demand, wherever you are in the world.

If you have enjoyed our section on fun Irish trivia and customs, you have probably been exposed to many of the most exciting traditions that Ireland has to offer!

Will that entice you to visit Ireland - or to return if you have already been? 

We hope so!  

But even if that is not possible, you can still enjoy the magic of Ireland in these pages.  Check out the links at the top of the page for simple instructions on how to explore Irish landmarks, sing Irish songs, enjoy Irish food, and much more!

Your Most Personal Irish Expression

One way to share your love of Ireland is by displaying your family coat of arms (family crest).  A very personal symbol of the stories and accomplishments of your ancestors can adorn clothing, kitchenware, wall art, personal accessories and so much more. 

Want to have a look?  Our friends at House of Names can help! 

Tap the button below and see your family crest for free!

Search for Family Name Button

Want to Feel More Connected to Ireland?

At Irish Expressions we believe everybody – well almost everybody! - has an "Irish side."  So how nice would it be to have access to a fun, free Irish experience, on demand, wherever in the world you happen to be?

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A Note from Bruce

If you would like to see more from Irish Expressions, you can find us on Facebook and Pinterest. You can also communicate with us using our contact form here. 

And of course you can always reach out to me directly at

However you choose to connect, we would love to hear from you!  Meanwhile, thanks for visiting!  I hope that we will meet someday, in person or online, and you can tell me about your own connection to the Emerald Isle.

Until then, best wishes -

Bruce Grady, and the team at